
Forecaster Plot

Historically, a space weather forecasting office uses a predefined figure layout to represent the density and velocity on several two dimensional slices and also a time-series of the data at several satellite locations. To maintain the same look and feel of the current forecasting offices we have implemented a similar look and feel with just a few simple commands.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import enlilviz as ev
import enlilviz.plotting as evplot

enlil_run = ev.io.load_example()
forecaster_plot = evplot.ForecasterPlot(enlil_run)

(Source code, png)


Radial Slice

The datasets output from Enlil also contain a radial slice that is often neglected. These can easily be incorporated into a user’s workflow as well.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import enlilviz as ev
import enlilviz.plotting as evplot

enlil_run = ev.io.load_example()
radial_slice = evplot.RadialSlice(enlil_run, 'den')

(Source code, png)
